
This page explains how to test implemented inference-server hooks using the example from Implementing server hooks.

Testing model predictions (high-level API)

To verify whether we have defined and registered all services hooks correctly, we use the inference_server.testing module.

A full example looks like this:

import sagemaker.deserializers
import sagemaker.serializers

from inference_server import testing

def test_prediction_is_ok():
     input_data = {"location": "Fair Isle"}
     expected_prediction = {
         "wind": "Southwesterly gale force 8 continuing",
         "sea_state": "Rough or very rough, occasionally moderate in southeast.",
         "weather": "Thundery showers.",
         "visibility": "Good, occasionally poor."

     prediction = testing.predict(
     assert prediction == expected_prediction

Here we can use any serializer compatible with sagemaker.serializers and any deserializer compatible with sagemaker.deserializers from the AWS SageMaker SDK.

If no serializer or deserializer is configured, bytes data are passed through as is for both input and output.

Testing model predictions (low-level API)

Instead of using the high-level testing API, we can also use invoke requests similar to the requests library:

def test_prediction_request_is_ok():
    input_data = {"location": "Fair Isle"}
    expected_prediction = {
        "wind": "Southwesterly gale force 8 continuing",
        "sea_state": "Rough or very rough, occasionally moderate in southeast.",
        "weather": "Thundery showers.",
        "visibility": "Good, occasionally poor."

    response = testing.post_invocations(
        headers={"Accept": "application/json"},
    assert response.content_type == "application/json"
    assert response.json() == expected_prediction

Verifying plugin registration

To verify the model is registered correctly as a plugin, we use this:

import shipping_forecast

def test_plugin_is_registered():
    assert testing.plugin_is_registered(shipping_forecast)

This simply verifies that we have declared the module as a plugin in pyproject.toml like this:

shipping_forecast = "shipping_forecast"

If the test fails, but the above snippet is included in pyproject.toml we possibly have not installed the model package in our Python environment. It is recommend to use Tox for testing an installed package.

Verifying individual hook functions

To verify our function hooks have been defined correctly, we use this:

def test_model_fn_hook_is_valid():
    assert testing.hookimpl_is_valid(shipping_forecast.model_fn)

def test_predict_fn_hook_is_valid():
    assert testing.hookimpl_is_valid(shipping_forecast.predict_fn)