
This page explains how to deploy a model to Amazon SageMaker using inference-server using the example from Implementing server hooks.

Docker container image

SageMaker models are deployed using Docker container images. To create a docker image, we might use a Dockerfile like this:

FROM python:3.10

COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN python -m pip install \
    gunicorn  \
    shipping-forecast  # Our package implementing the hooks

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", ""]

The script contains the following command only:

python -m gunicorn --bind= 'inference_server:create_app()'

Here, gunicorn is the web server which handles incoming HTTP request and executes the inference-server WSGI application. The package shipping-forecast implements the server hooks (in other words: our business logic), see the example Hook definitions.


Unfortunately, we cannot add our Python command directly in the Dockerfile under ENTRYPOINT. This is because AWS SageMaker starts the Docker container with an extra serve argument like this:

docker run {image} serve

The entrypoint script simply ignores this extra argument.

Configuring Gunicorn HTTP server

For a typical deployment, we may need to configure additional Gunicorn options. Instead of adding command line options one by one, we could simply specify all options in a single configuration file.

Create with the following content:

accesslog = "-"
bind = ""
logconfig = "/opt/gunicorn/logging.ini"
loglevel = "DEBUG"
workers = 2
wsgi_app = "inference_server:create_app()"

And logging.ini like this:

keys = root

keys = std_out

keys = default

level = DEBUG
handlers = std_out

class = StreamHandler
formatter = default
args = (sys.stdout,)

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s
datefmt =
class = logging.Formatter

Then we replace the content in with this:

python -m gunicorn --config=/opt/gunicorn/

Finally, we need to copy the configuration files into the container image in the Dockerfile:

COPY logging.ini /opt/gunicorn/

Configuring Gunicorn workers

Typically, ML model predictions are CPU-bound logic and Gunicorn’s default synchronous, multi-processing workers are a good choice.

The optimal number of workers should be established emperically. It depends both on the model algorithm and the AWS EC2 compute instance type. It is recommended to choose a compute optimized instance type as these types are designed and priced for sustained high CPU utilization. Using a 4 vCPU instance, for example, the hypervisor would allocate 4 concurrent processor threads to our application. In theory, such an instance could achieve a CPU utilization of 400% as shown in AWS CloudWatch Metrics.

A good starting point for the number of Gunicorn workers is to set this equal to the vCPU count, 4 in the above example. To finetune the number of workers, we deploy a SageMaker model endpoint with a single EC2 instance, then send a large batch of model invocation requests. CloudWatch Metrics should then be evaluated to identity the maximum CPU utilization. A value well below 400% suggest there may be some I/O overhead and the number of Gunicorn workers may be increased to achieve greater concurrency and CPU utilization.